Today the Hon. Elmer MacFadyen, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, was pleased to announce $530,000 in funding for the Charlottetown Transit System. This funding was made possible through the Public Transit Capital Trust Program.
“Public transit is a key feature of vibrant, liveable communities and our government recognizes the need to improve our transit system,” says Minister MacFadyen. “Charlottetown residents want reliable, sustainable public transit. Our government is very pleased to work with Island municipalities to ensure funding for these projects is forthcoming, today and for years to come.”
This funding will allow for the purchasing of one new transit bus, 11 bus shelters, modification to curbing and satellite terminals at two mall areas.
“As Mayor of the Capital City of Prince Edward Island, I am extremely pleased to accept this much-needed funding from our provincial government,” said Mayor Clifford Lee. “These new bus shelters will make waiting for buses much more comfortable. The new bus will replace the Caboose which is at the end of its service life.”
The Charlottetown Transit system runs Monday to Saturday from 6:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. within Charlottetown. For more information on bus schedules, contact: 902-566-9962. The transit system is an environmentally friendly means of transportation.
“This funding will help our capital city meet its objective and provide for a cleaner, healthier environment,” said Minister MacFadyen. “I look forward to our continued relationship with the Charlottetown Transit system.”