The province is making a substantial investment to improve and strengthen social housing in Prince Edward Island, says Minister of Family and Human Services Tina Mundy.
“The province is committed to continue improving social housing in our province and will invest $750,000 to fund needed renovations to buildings across the Island,” said Minister Mundy. “This investment demonstrates our government’s commitment to affordable housing. We know that safe, affordable and quality housing is important to all Islanders.”
This investment is part of a five year plan to help improve social housing on Prince Edward Island. The projects that will be funded will provide needed renovations to at least 15 buildings across the province. These renovations will improve the homes of more than 1,100 seniors in 32 communities across the Island. Allowing Island seniors to remain independent in their homes and enabling them to continue to be vital contributors in their communities.
This weekend, the first round of tenders will be advertised in local daily newspapers inviting contractors to bid on the work that will be available through this investment. More projects will be tendered later in the year as actual costs are determined through the tender process.
Last year funding was used to fund renovations to more than 20 buildings from Souris to Alberton. Renovations included new roofs, generators, boilers, new cupboards and repairs to sidewalks and driveways. A large majority of this year’s funding has also been set aside for roofing and parking lot resurfacing.
“Affordable housing in Canada is among the most important social infrastructure in our communities,” said the minister. “And I am committed to continue to collaborate with our partners in the federal government to ensure we are working together to meet the needs of Islanders. I truly appreciate the open dialogue that has taken place since the new Liberal government took power and look forward to continued discussions about important issues such as social housing.”
More information on the housing tenders available through the Department of Family and Human Services is available by calling one of the four provincial Housing Services offices across the province.