The Honourable P. Mitchell Murphy, Minister of Community Affairs and Attorney General and Minister responsible for RCMP services, takes exception to Liberal MLA Robert Morrissey's comments regarding the deterioration of RCMP services in the West Prince area.
Mr. Murphy states the Provincial Government and the RCMP are committed to maintaining a strong provincial RCMP police force in all areas of the Province, including the West Prince area.
The RCMP and the Province have been working cooperatively over the past number of months in order to deal with the fiscal realities facing the Province. At all times in the discussions, the issues of safety of Islanders and safety of the RCMP officers were a priority. The leadership of the RCMP, as responsible managers, are continually reviewing how they can improve the operations of the RCMP and, at the same time, live within their budget allocations. The RCMP have already implemented a number of restructuring initiatives in the Finance and Administration Divisions of the headquarters in Charlottetown which were supported by the Provincial Government. These initiatives resulted in operational changes which enhanced the number of front line police officers and improved the visibility of the RCMP within the Province.
Mr. Murphy further states that the RCMP national police policy is to adopt a more proactive community policing model and the management of "L" Division, with the support of the Province, is actively implementing this model.
The basic philosophy is that the layers of bureaucracy will be reduced and the RCMP officers will be empowered to provide front line community policing services. Islanders are demanding in health care, education and all services within the Province, that the emphasis be placed on front line workers with administrative streamlining where possible. The restructuring initiative, proposed by the RCMP, is consistent with this philosophy and also with the RCMP's continuing efforts to improve operational efficiency.
Mr. Murphy says, "It is my understanding that the visibility of the RCMP officers in the West Prince area will be enhanced, not deteriorated, as a result of the proposed restructuring initiatives. I, personally, support the RCMP management in exploring all options to improve their operations and my Deputy and I will be meeting with Chief Superintendent Crosby following his consultations with the residents of the area."
Mr. Murphy concludes by stating, "It is the actions of the Liberal Government that have caused the Province to be in a deficit position. We have inherited the deficit financial situation which we are presently facing and are asking all organizations to think about how they can improve their operations. The RCMP management and the Provincial Government have accepted this challenge and are exploring various alternatives in order to meet both our common objectives. If Mr. Morrissey has problems understanding these actions then I would be glad to meet with him and explain the process."
For more information, contact: Hon. P. Mitchell Murphy, (902) 368-5250.