Province and Abegweit First Nation sign fish stocking contract

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
Prince Edward Island’s recreational fishery will benefit from a new partnership to continue fish stocking in the province, says Minister of Agriculture and Forestry George Webster.

“The recreational fishery in Prince Edward Island contributes over $3 million in direct expenditures to the economy and is an important pastime for thousands of Islanders,” said Minister Webster. “We are pleased to partner with the Abegweit First Nation in an agreement which not only provides fish for Island rivers, but also offers training opportunities for First Nation members.”

The Abegweit First Nation responded to a call for expressions of interest after Dover Fish Hatchery in Cardigan advised it could no longer provide the service.

“As stewards of the land and sea, the Mi’kmaq are committed to the conservation and enhancement of our natural environment,” said Chief Brian Francis. “We are pleased to partner with the Province of Prince Edward Island to provide fish restocking services for our Island rivers and streams.”

The initial contract aims for 40,000 small Brook Trout to be released into Island rivers next year, and 4,000 larger trout for youth fishing events in subsequent years. The program may be extended to produce additional brook trout and Atlantic salmon.

Media Contact: Kim Devine