Recognizing that precautions are necessary for safe Internet use, the Prince Edward Island Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee in partnership with the PEI Government and the RCMP has launched an awareness campaign to assist families in protecting young users.
"The exciting world of the Internet offers to expand the knowledge of families," said Rona Brown, Chair of the Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee. "The information highway is allowing us to communicate globally, conduct business or simply research ideas or topics. Much educational and entertaining information can be found "on line" but like any road travelled, some routes may pose a threat to the safety of children and youth."
An educational brochure has been developed which outlines safety tips for using the Internet. The brochure, "It's Up To You - Internet Safety Tips for Parents," will be mailed to Island households this week. The Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee, its project partners and sponsors encourage parents to read the brochure, discuss it with their children and where necessary, make appropriate safety adjustments.
This campaign was conceived by the Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee based on an awareness of the growing number of problems encountered with the sexual exploitation of children and the associated risks to them through the Internet. A project team includes members of the Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee, RCMP and the PEI Departments of Education as well as Technology and Environment.
The Prince Edward Island Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee is a voluntary committee composed of over 40 representatives representing communities, non-profit organizations, municipal and federal law enforcement, as well as health, social service, justice and human resource sectors. For further information or to obtain additional copies of the brochure please contact: Rona Brown, Chair, Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee at (902) 368-6712. Copies of the brochure are also available at Island Information Services, 11 Kent Street, Charlottetown, (902) 368-4000.