Projects Funded To Support Children And Youth

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
Twenty-seven successful projects were announced today to support the healthy development of Island children and youth through the $100,000 PEI Child and Youth Initiative Fund.

The announcement was made by Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover on behalf of government.

The projects will address various child and youth issues such as teen pregnancy, violence prevention, peer helping, adolescent addictions, and staying in school. "The big issues facing our youth today are not ones that can be addressed effectively in isolation.", said Minister Dover, "The goal of the Child and Youth Initiative Fund is to support the health and education systems, and the community to work together to better meet the needs of Island children, youth and families."

The initiative is coordinated by a fourteen-member provincial Child and Youth Steering Committee which includes school principals, health professionals, community leaders, parents and youth.

More than four hundred groups were invited to participate in the 1997 Child and Youth Initiative Fund. Of the fifty-two proposals received, twenty-seven projects were successful in meeting the criteria to build on School/Health/Community partnerships; invest early in children's lives to prevent problems later on; support parents in their role in the healthy development of children; use a comprehensive approach; and build on the present knowledge base of children through research.

Minister Dover said the projects reflect government's commitment to health, education and strong Island communities. Funding for the program was reallocated from savings achieved in 1996-1997 through reductions in the number of children sent out-of-province for residential care.

For more information contact: Jean Doherty, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, Department of Health and Social Services, 368-6257

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