Progress Continues on Increasing Seat Belt Compliance on Prince Edward Island

* Transportation and Public Works [to Jan 2010]
Transportation and Public Works Minister Gail Shea today announced results of a recent Community Survey on Seat Belt Usage. The survey showed progress has been made over the past year in increasing the numbers of Islanders who buckle up.

“Increasing the number of motorists and passengers on Island roads wearing seat belts is a key safety priority,” said Transportation and Public Works Minister Gail Shea. “The statistics and reality of not wearing your seat belt are unavoidable. Wearing a seat belt increases your chances of survival in a motor vehicle accident, I’m encouraged to see the increase in compliance this year.”

In 2004, a series of surveys were undertaken in several Island communities to gauge the level of seat belt compliance. Findings at that time were that approximately 73 percent of motorists surveyed were wearing seat belts, leaving 27 percent of the Island’s motorists not wearing their seat belts. To supplement ongoing education and enforcement activities, amendments were made to the Highway Traffic Act during the Fall 2004 Session of the Legislature which included an increased fine from $50 to $100 and from zero to 3 demerit points added for non compliance of the seat belt law.

This year’s survey results found that there has been an overall increase of nearly 6 percent in the level of seat belt compliance to 79 percent of motorists surveyed. Additionally, law enforcement agencies reported a 50 percent decrease in the number of seat belt-related violations in 2005 to date over the previous year.

“Early indications are that the stiffer penalties introduced last year for seat belt violations are having a positive impact,” said Shea. “We’ll continue to work with law enforcement and community partners to promote increased seat belt use on Island roads and help make progress towards national safety goals.”

Road Vision 2010, an initiative of federal, provincial and territorial governments, the private sector and the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) to promote road safety in Canada, has set a goal of 95 percent seat belt compliance nationally by the end of the decade. Currently, the national seat belt compliance rate is approximately 85 percent.

Media Contact: Jeff Himelman