The Prince Edward Island 2003 Visitors Guide is printed and ready for distribution to visitors planning to choose Prince Edward Island as their vacation destination for the coming season. Tourism PEI Minister, Jeffrey Lantz noted that this year's guide is especially attractive with a whole new look framing all the usual spectacular Island images. The new look extends to the other publications in the PEI vacation planning kit, including Island Value Vacations, the Highway Map and the coupon book. The information is also provided electronically on the Tourism PEI website,
The Tourism Marketing Authority (TMA) works closely with the Department of Tourism to create a luring and effective information piece with great marketing potential. The Visitors Guide is one of the main tools used by the tourism industry to communicate their information to the public. Potential visitors make extensive use of Tourism PEI publications, using them to research accommodations, restaurants, activities, touring products and general information about Prince Edward Island.
"We are very proud of this publication," noted Minister Lantz. "Our staff in the marketing division of Tourism PEI do all of the layout and information research before it is sent to the printer. It is a huge undertaking, and we feel that the publication gets better and better each year."
With separate versions of the Visitors Guide in both English and French, complemented by the same information in both languages on the Internet, Tourism PEI provides a very complete resource for those who wish to research their upcoming vacation. Tourism PEI has printed 400,000 copies of this 200+ page book which provides great visibility for tourism properties on Prince Edward Island.
The Visitors Guide is used in mail-outs to fulfil requests through telephone, internet, fax or mail enquiries and as response to special promotions. The balance will be distributed across Prince Edward Island to be handed to visitors upon their arrival to Visitor Information Centres and Welcome Centres. In addition, many Islanders use the book as a reference for their own activities as well as advising visitors what to do and where to go.
"The new guide is available at our Charlottetown Visitor Information Centre on Water Street, and I invite those interested in obtaining a copy to drop by or contact Tourism PEI at 368-4444," suggested Minister Lantz. "Seeing the new guide reminds us that summer is only a few months away – a comforting thought during the cold winter."