The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission is helping to protect Island rivers

Island Rivers – Worth Protecting, a fundraising campaign to support conservation of PEI rivers in partnership with the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation, is now underway in PEI Liquor Control Commission corporate retail outlets. Now in its second year, this initiative sees participating suppliers donate a portion of sales to support salmon conservation work in the province. Over $13,000 was raised in the first year of the campaign and helped to support habitat restoration projects across the Island including in the West River watershed, Morell River watershed, several Souris area rivers, and in the Mill River watershed.

“The PEI Liquor Control Commission looks forward to continued success in the second of its five year partnership with the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation,” said Robert Henderson, minister responsible for the PEI Liquor Control Commission. “The funds raised will support projects approved by the foundation in our province.”

“We were pleased with the first year of our partnership with the PEI Liquor Control Commission,” said Paul Michael, QC, a director of the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation. “We look forward to continuing to support conservation work in Prince Edward Island as the result of this relationship.”

In-store promotion of Island Rivers – Worth Protecting began October 3 and will run through until November 13 in all 18 PEI Liquor Control Commission corporate retail outlets across the province.

Media Contact: James MacLeod