Prince Edward Island Kicks Off Crime Prevention Week

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
The Province of Prince Edward Island once again officially acknowledges that preventing crime improves the quality of life for all Islanders. Minister Mildred Dover, Health & Social Services, and Minister of Community Affairs & Attorney General, Mitch Murphy, jointly signed a proclamation calling on all citizens of Prince Edward Island to observe November 1 - 7, 1997 as Crime Prevention Week.

"We are confident that Islanders are committed to working together to prevent crime. This public information campaign provides a focal point to highlight achievements, strengthen partnerships and increase awareness on community safety through crime prevention," says Mildred Dover, Minister of Health and Social Services. The signing of the proclamation took place at the Premier's Office. Also present were: Paul Pitman, Regional Rep. of the PEI Police Association; Diane Barnes, Chair of the Crime Prevention Week Coordinating Committee; and Marion Reid, Chair of the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence.

As part of Crime Prevention Week, the province will kick-off its 1997 campaign with celebrations at Confederation Court Mall in Charlottetown and Waterfront Place Mall in Summerside on November 1, 1997. The theme for the kick-off celebrations is "Community Spirit = Community Safety." The kick-off includes entertainment by the Chaisson Family, balloons for kids, guest appearances by police mascots and information displays.

The highlight of the Week is the Premier's Crime Prevention Awards Ceremony hosted by the Lieutenant Governor at Fanningbank on November 5, 1997, 2:00pm. The Awards recognize exceptional work within the scope of crime prevention.

1997 marks the first year that one of the Awards will be dedicated to the area of family violence prevention. "The Premier's Action Committee was very pleased to see this happen. We recognize that family violence destroys people and that having been abused is one of the greatest risk factors to later becoming involved in criminal behaviour," says Marion Reid, Chair of the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence.

Other events taking place over the course of the Week include: Tours of the Provincial Correctional Centre; Police Officer Storytimes, which highlight the importance of nurturing literacy skills as a crime prevention tactic and also reinforce a positive relationship between children and police; Forum on Community Action For Children & Youth, November 3, 1997 at the Charlottetown Hotel; Community Policing Workshop coordinated by R.C.M.P. Headquarters, November 5, 1997; and, the Presentation of Corrections Exemplary Service Medals by the Lieutenant Governor, November 5, 1997 at 11:00am at Fanningbank.

The Crime Prevention Week campaign is a cooperative effort between voluntary organizations, groups, police, business, media and government departments. The campaign helps to let Islanders know what they can do to prevent crime. It also provides an occasion to recognize and highlight the efforts of Islanders' in ensuring that Prince Edward Island remains one of the safest provinces in Canada.

For more information, contact Diane Barnes, Justice Resource Service, (902)368-4583.

Media Contact: Island Information Service