The Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission started it's fiscal year on April 1, 2000 with fifty-nine (59) active complaints. Since that time, nine (9) new complaints have been filed, five (5) complaints have been settled, seven (7) dismissed, one (1) discontinued, three (3) withdrawn and one (1) panel hearing.
Among the complaints dealt with by the Commission are the following:
1. The Commission assisted in the settlement of a complaint alleging discrimination in relation to employment on the basis of sex (sexual harassment). The female complainant worked in a company staffed almost exclusively by males. The Complainant alleged that a male employee of the company made inappropriate sexual comments to her, as well as comments of a sexual nature regarding female customers. All employers are required by human rights legislation to provide a workplace free from sexual harassment and employers are, in most cases, responsible for the actions of their employees. Also, all employers in Prince Edward Island are required by the Human Rights Act and the Employment Standards Act, to have a posted sexual harassment policy and adhere to it.
The Respondent agreed to: institute a sexual harassment policy; pay financial compensation of $500.00 for hurt and humilation; write a letter of apology, and provide a letter of reference.
2. The Commission assisted in the settlement of a complaint alleging discrimination in relation to employment on the basis of political belief. The Complainant alleged that discrimination occurred when the Respondent did not hire her but instead hired an applicant who supports another political party. The employee was financially compensated in the amount of $1,500.00 for hurt and humiliation.
3. The Commission also assisted in the settlement of a complaint alleging discrimination in relation to employment on the basis of sex (sexual harassment). The Complainant claimed to have worked in a hostile and poisoned work environment. The Complainant alleged that she was sexually harassed by the Respondents and her physical and emotional health were compromised.
The Respondents agreed to settle the complaint by: instituting a sexual harassment policy; financially compensating the Complainant in the amount of $13,380.00 for hurt and humiliation and lost wages; providing a letter of apology; and providing a letter of reference; participating in an education seminar provided by the Prince Edward Island Human Rights Commission.