Prince Edward Island Home To Sport Resource Centre

* Education [to Apr 2008]
Prince Edward Island's Sport Resource Centre was officially opened today at the Robertson Library, University of Prince Edward Island. The centre, in partnership with the National Sport Centre-Atlantic Canada (NSC-AC), Canadian Olympic Association, Coaching Association of Canada and the four Atlantic provinces, will provide Island athletes and coaches with opportunities to access online resources, coaching computer software and other athletic resource materials.

"Prince Edward Island is proud to house its own Sport Resource Centre," said Education Minister Chester Gillan. "Amateur sport is an important part of the healthy lifestyles of many Islanders. The Sport Resource Centre will better equip our athletes and coaches with knowledge and services to help them strive higher in their sports."

Each of the four Atlantic provinces has a Sport Resource Centre. Coaches, athletes, parents and provincial sport organization members are welcome to use the Centre's resources and services.

"The National Sport Centre-Atlantic Canada is pleased to be able to work with our PEI partners in providing opportunity for coaches of all levels in this province," said Ken Bagnell, Chief Executive Officer of the NSC-AC. "The Sport Resource Centre is one component of NSC-AC programs that will be available to athletes and coaches. We are committed to service top quality athletes, such as Kara Grant, and to work with the province to support future Canada Games athletes."

Bagnell explained that several Island coaches are also involved with the NSC-AC. "Soccer PEI Technical Director Louis Page is completing his Level 5 certification through the National Coaching Institute. Karen Cameron, with the UPEI women's basketball team, is a recipient of a Women in Coaching grant," he said.

The centre's aim is to work with the existing sport system to offer efficient services for the sport community.

"As the host site of this new resource for the athletic community, UPEI encourages anyone interested in any aspect of coaching and sports to visit the centre at the Robertson Library," said H. Wade MacLauchlan, UPEI President and Vice Chancellor. "It is our hope that students, athletes and coaches of all levels will use these new resources."

Media Contact: Island Information Service