Prince Edward Island and the Weather Network Demonstrate Public Alerting Test During Emergency Preparedness Week

* Community and Cultural Affairs [to Jun 2007]
The Province of Prince Edward Island, through its Office of Public Safety, Emergency Measures Organization (EMO), will demonstrate part of a proposed emergency public alerting system over The Weather Network today, Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Emergency Measures Organization PEI, will issue a test public alerting message to be displayed over the Weather Network’s regular programming, to demonstrate how EMO could issue an authentic emergency message should an emergency situation develop in the province. Using The Weather Network’s ALL CHANNEL ALERT™ public alerting system, the message will be seen only by cable subscribers viewing The Weather Network in Prince Edward Island even though the Weather Network broadcasts nationally.

The demonstration tomorrow is designed to help promote awareness of Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada and will appear at regular intervals on The Weather Network during the afternoon.

Pelmorex Communications Inc., which owns and operates The Weather Network and MétéoMédia, will deliver the public message using its unique localization technology. The system can display emergency messages within minutes of its distribution by an authorized government agency, such as the PEI’s Office of Public Safety and EMO.

“We are very pleased that the province of Prince Edward Island is showing leadership in the area of public alerting,” said Pierre Morrissette President & CEO of Pelmorex Media Inc. “Targeted broadcasts over The Weather Network will mean, for example, that viewers elsewhere in Canada will not see warnings meant for Prince Edward Island communities. These messages will be localized. This ensures that residents in non-threatened provinces are not needlessly alarmed or confused by alerts meant for other jurisdictions.”

Media Contact: Connie McNeill