May 2, 2000 Premier's OfficePremier Pat Binns has written to members of the Board of Directors of the CBC, and contacted the Federal Minister of Heritage, urging that the local CBC Compass program be maintained. The Premier says there are many rumours about changes to CBC supper hour news programs across the country, and while there is no logical reason to change the local Compass program, he fears it may fall victim to a regionalisation effort. "I am reassured by my conversations with the Minister's office, but nothing is guaranteed." "The CBC Charlottetown situation is unique; it is the only locally produced TV daily news program in the province, and an important source of local news and information. It is also one of the most watched CBC early evening news programs in Canada, and it would be very disappointing to Islanders if it were replaced by a regional program." The Board of Directors is looking at options, and Premier Binns says it is important they understand how strongly supported the program is in our province. "It is meeting exactly the type of need that I think the CBC should be focusing on."Media Contact: Maurice Rodgerson