Premier presents tuna award

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
Ronald Gormley, a fisher from Murray Harbour, was recognized today by Premier Robert Ghiz for landing the largest bluefin tuna in 2011. He was presented with the Premier’s Cup, an annual award which recognizes the important role the tuna fishery plays in the economy and the international recognition it brings to Prince Edward Island.

“I am pleased to present Mr. Gormley with this trophy in recognition of his significant achievement this year,” said Premier Ghiz. “The tuna fishery is rebounding in our waters because of strong management measures implemented by the Prince Edward Island tuna fleet and is becoming a valuable contributor to our economy.”

The bluefin tuna weighed 1,149 pounds and was landed on September 25, 2011. It took Mr. Gormley and his helper Chris MacPhee almost two hours to land the tuna aboard his vessel Wind Dancer IV. He was fishing off his home port of Naufrage.

Mr. Gormley has been involved in the fishery for more than 50 years. He was one of the first fishers in his area to fish tuna off Grahams Pond in the 1960s.

A total of 421 tuna were landed by Prince Edward Island fishers in 2011 with a total weight of 127.54 metric tones. Fishermen reported an abundance of tuna in Prince Edward Island waters during the summer and early fall which led to the quota being fished and opportunities for the emerging catch and release fishery. The tuna fishery had an estimated landed value in excess of three million dollars last year.

Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Ron MacKinley also attended the presentation.

Media Contact: Kim Devine