Premier MacLauchlan congratulates candidates in Abegweit First Nation election

Premier's Office
Premier Wade MacLauchlan, Minister Responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, extended his congratulations to Chief Brian Francis and councillors Daren Knockwood and Jacob Jadis on their election to the Abegweit First Nation Band Council. The elections were held on May 7.

“Abegweit First Nation is providing outstanding leadership to the Mi’kmaq community,” said Premier MacLauchlan. “I am pleased to congratulate Chief Brian Francis on his re-election for a third term, to Daren Knockwood on his election to a second term and to Jacob Jadis who has been elected to his first term.”

Premier MacLauchlan said he has already met with Chief Francis on a number of occasions to discuss issues related to Abegweit First Nation and the Mi’kmaq Confederacv of Prince Edward Island.

“I look forward to continuing to work closely with Chief Francis and his council as we promote stronger partnerships between both levels of government,” said Premier MacLauchlan. “As a government, we are committed to enhancing the public engagement and prosperity of all Islanders.”

Media Contact: Mary Moszynski