Premier Ghiz promotes stronger regional cooperation and trade ties

Premier's Office
Strengthening ties with the Atlantic provinces and the New England states will result in more investment and trade, says Premier Robert Ghiz.

“If we are to attract investment and grow our economy, we will need a vision based on regional cooperation and trade that will grow the number of value-added jobs within our province and promote our traditional industries,” said Premier Ghiz. “Our provincial economy must also continue to diversify and expand – and that is why these relationships are so important.”

That’s the message Premier Ghiz delivered during a keynote speech to a business delegation from New England and the Atlantic provinces on Thursday evening in Halifax. Members of the New England-Canada Business Council, a network of business leaders, are currently visiting Halifax to strengthen economic ties and highlight the potential to increase trade. The speech highlighted the strong partnerships that Prince Edward Island currently enjoys, both regionally and with New England.

Premier Ghiz also focussed on the support by the provincial government for the Island’s primary sectors and education to make the Island economy more competitive and productive.

“We must work to expand our emerging sectors like aerospace, biosciences, information technology and renewable energy – sectors that depend on trade – while continuing our focus on improving our educational institutions to create a skilled, productive and globally competitive workforce,” Premier Ghiz said during his speech.

Through these meetings, the New England-Canada Business Council presents an opportunity to work together to find ways to become more competitive globally. The New England States are one of the Island’s most important trading partners, with many geographic, cultural and economic ties. The New England-Canada Business Council meetings conclude on Saturday.

Media Contact: Matt McGuire