Premier Pat Binns presented a cheque on Friday to Anderson House, the provincial shelter for abused women and children. Joanne Ings, Executive Director of Anderson House, accepted on behalf of Anderson House.
The donation was raised at an auction during the Annual Premiers Conference which featured a Northern Diamond from Arslanian Cutting Works in the Northwest Territories. The diamond was auctioned on the last day of the conference, and the winning bidder was Al Hilton from Regina, Saskatchewan, with a bid of $1150. The auction was designed as an effort to bring awareness to the diamond industry in Canada and support a worthy cause such as Anderson House.
"I am pleased to make this contribution on behalf of the other Premiers and the Annual Premiers Conference," said Premier Pat Binns. "Victim services play an important role in not only supporting victims of abuse, but also in bringing awareness to issues surrounding abuse, such as prevention and education. I wish to thank Joanne and all the staff at PEI Transition House Association for their leadership in providing these services in PEI."
Anderson House is a safe and supportive shelter for women and their children who have been physically or emotionally abused or who live in constant fear of abuse. Anderson House is staffed at all times by trained women who honour confidentially.
"We'd like to thank Premier Binns for making this donation. These funds will be put to direct use to help meet the basic needs of the clientele and to help direct the use of the shelter," said Ms. Ings. "There has been a 50 per cent increase in use of the service, and this is a direct result of the public education campaign we've been running over the past year."
The Transition House Association was established in 1980 to provide a place of safety for women and children who are victims of abuse and to work towards the elimination of family violence. The association provides support to victims through shelters, outreach services, support groups and public education throughout the province.