Premier Clarifies Purpose of Program Renewal Process

Premier's Office
Premier Binns assured people in West Prince today that the purpose of the current Program Renewal process is to evaluate all government programs so they continue to be effective, efficient and responsive to the priority needs of Islanders.

The Premier advised that similar processes are being undertaken in several provinces in response to the growing need for public accountability. “We want to know, and the public wants to know, if our programs are working well and if we are getting the best value for taxpayers’ money,” said the Premier. “We hope that, through this process, we will identify ways to improve programs so that they are as effective and efficient as possible and they are sustainable for us now and for generations to come.”

Through Program Renewal, employees are evaluating programs based on five criteria which include: public interest, effectiveness and efficiency, affordability, accountability and emerging trends.

“While there is always some uncertainty as we go through a process like this, I am concerned about the unnecessary anxiety in West Prince,” said the Premier. “I want to assure people in West Prince that every government program is being evaluated in every department, board, agency and commission. We are asking the same questions about every service. The process is not targeted to one sector of government or to one area of the province.”

Premier Binns advised that planning for a new French school in West Prince is a separate process and not connected to Program Renewal. “This is a separate process that began in September when we established a planning committee of school and community members to examine various options for the new school. In the meantime, I want to dispel rumours in the community that students at St. Louis Elementary School may be moved to make way for the new school. This is not true and I want to assure parents, students and staff that this will not happen,” said the Premier.

More information on Program Renewal may be obtained by visiting the provincial government Web site at

Media Contact: Patrick Dorsey