Preliminary report on North River fish kill now online

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
A preliminary report, prepared by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division, following this year’s fish kill in North River is now available online.

The preliminary report describes the details of the discovery, inspection and subsequent clean up as well as a fish population impact assessment and fish necropsy results from the Atlantic Veterinary College. Further information cannot be released while investigations by the Department of Environment, Labour and Justice and Environment Canada are ongoing. A final report will be issued when the investigation is complete.

A suspected fish kill on North River was reported on August 9, 2014. Representatives from the provincial departments of Environment, Labour and Justice and Agriculture and Forestry along with Environment Canada responded to the incident.

In total, 1,155 fish were recovered, and it was estimated that between 4,560 and 10,973 fish were killed. Species affected included Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout, Atlantic Salmon and Three-spined Sticklebacks, as well as invertebrates. The report notes that heavy rainfall was recorded on August 6-7, 2014. Fish necropsy results from the Atlantic Veterinary College showed no evidence of disease and it was determined that the presence of moderate to large amounts of food in their stomachs was indicative of a sudden, acute death.

The preliminary report can be found on the Department of Agriculture and Forestry’s website,

Media Contact: April Gallant