Permits Required for Open Burning

* Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour [to Jan 2010]
Hon. Carolyn Bertram, Minister of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour, and Hon. Richard Brown, Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry are urging Islanders to follow safe open burning practices and to obtain a permit before any open burning.

“During the early spring season we often see a high number of open burning incidents which require emergency response from one of our province’s Municipal fire services,” said Minister Bertram. “These incidents are preventable but they consume the valuable time and resources of the community fire departments and can put firefighters at risk.”

“Our Island woodlands are too valuable a resource to lose to fires caused by unsafe burning practices. Even more seriously, uncontrolled fires are threats to people and to property,” said Minister Brown. “I urge everyone to follow safe burning practices, to get proper permits and to check their local fire safety index before burning.”

The Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry has established guidelines for safe open burning, and issues permits to Islanders at no cost. Anyone burning without a permit could be fined between $200 and $1,000 plus fire suppression costs and any court or other costs.

Permits are available from your local Forestry District Office: Wellington (854-7260), Charlottetown (Beech Grove Road) (368-4800), or Southampton (961-7296). Please telephone the office and arrange for a Forest Service officer to be present when you arrive so a permit can be issued.

To burn an old building or parts of an old building, a special permit must be obtained from the Fire Marshall's Office. For more information call 368-4869.

Media Contact: Connie McNeill