PEILCC Supports Safe Grad Activities

It will soon be graduation time and with that comes celebrations. The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission’s 4th annual Support Safe Grad campaign raised over $8,000 to help ensure Island high school graduates are able to enjoy safe alcohol-free celebrations this June.

“We are pleased to be able to contribute to our community in this way,” noted Hon. Robert Henderson, minister responsible for the PEI Liquor Control Commission. “This program not only helps to generate funds but also creates awareness among our customers around safe graduation celebrations.”

Over the course of its four years, this initiative has provided needed financial resources to ensure graduates across the Island can celebrate their success safely. “We appreciate the efforts of the PEILCC and the funds it generates to help support the work of our volunteers,” noted Ricky Hood, superintendent of the Eastern School Board. “As a result, we are able to provide safe celebrations for our high school graduates.”

The Support Safe Grad campaign is a customer donation program that encourages customers to donate $1 at the point of purchase.

Media Contact: James MacLeod