PEI Women’s Institute Awards Day

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
PEI Women’s Institute Awards Day for the Handcrafts and Arts exhibits was held on Thursday morning, August 19, on the entertainment stage in the Charlottetown Civic Centre’s Trade Centre with Hon. George Webster, Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture, in attendance.

Cynthia Mitchell, Chair, welcomed special guests and expressed her thanks to those who participated in showcasing our Island crafts and to the hundreds of volunteers that helped make the display possible. “There is a substantial increase in entries over last year and we have new exhibitors entering in the competition,” said Mitchell. “It’s wonderful to see interest in the show growing each year.” At this year’s Handcraft and Arts Show, almost 1,400 exhibits were displayed by just under 200 exhibitors. Greetings were given by Hon. George Webster, Deputy Premier and Doreen Cole, President-Elect on behalf of Carol MacLellan, PEI Women’s Institute President.

PEI Women’s Institute, with assistance from the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Innovation and Advance Learning, was pleased to be able to present the following Special Prizes:

Best Hand-Quilted Quilt: Diane Williams

Best Afghan: Carol Jenkins

Best Needlework: D. Kent Pond

Most Points in Classes C, D, E, G and H, Handcrafts: Sylvia Andrew

Best Hooked Rug: Nancy Taylor

Best Golden Years: Judy Kenny

Best Photograph: Norma Clow

Best Painting or Drawing: Noella Richard

Most Points in Class N, Foods: Marilyn Sentner

Most Points in Class R, Flowers and/or Class T, Vegetables: Nancy Gill

Special Prizes:

Judge’s Choice Rug (sections 1-6 and 11), donated by the Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia: Sue-Anne Jay

Most Points in Roses, donated by the PEI WI Alumni: Marjorie Laird

Following presentation of the Special Prizes, Hon. George Webster presented Joyce Rhead, Stratford, with the Premier’s Award for Craft Education, a $3,000 award presented annually since 2006. Rhead’s passion is “sewing heirlooms” and was quoted as saying, “Over the years, I have tried many different crafts – stained glass, weaving, tole painting, needlework, doll making – but none has captured my heart like heirloom sewing.” To pursue her passion, she plans to attend a Teacher Licensing School for Heirloom Sewing in Huntsville, Alabama.

Exhibitors are encouraged to apply. Details are available at the Women’s Institute Provincial Office. Please call 368-4860 for more information.

Cynthia expressed her thanks to all those who helped to showcase our Island handcrafts and arts, as well as the over 250 volunteers.

Prize List Books for 2011 will be available from the WI office in the New Year.

Media Contact: Karen Craig