PEI Tobacco Reduction Alliance Develops Strategy to Reduce Youth Tobacco Use

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
PEI's new Tobacco Reduction Alliance released a comprehensive strategy today to reduce tobacco use by Island youth.

The Tobacco Reduction Alliance is a new partnership of several organizations and community groups who have come together to reduce tobacco use by children and youth in PEI.

The establishment of the Alliance enables groups to move forward in a focused way to reduce tobacco consumption by coordinating existing activities, reducing duplication, and maximizing resources.

Members of the Tobacco Reduction Alliance include: PEI Lung Association, the Medical Society of PEI, Evangeline Community Health Centre, Federation of PEI Municipalities, Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI, PEI Division of the Canadian Cancer Society, Eastern School District, the Department of Health and Social Services, the Western School Board, Health Canada, PEI Home and School Federation, Regional Health Authorities, Early Childhood Development Association of PEI, Department of Education and Holland College.

The strategy was tabled in the legislature today by Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover and Education Minister Chester Gillan.

The Tobacco Reduction Alliance has three goals which include prevention, cessation and protection.

During the coming year, members of the Alliance will implement several strategies to reduce tobacco use by Island youth. Strategies will be developed with youth and include: providing coordinated tobacco education through grades 1-12; reducing tobacco sales and access to minors; raising public awareness of the health and economic costs of smoking; building community and municipal support for smoke free public places; providing smoking cessation programs in schools and communities; supporting smoke free school policies and; promoting smoke free homes.

"This is a comprehensive three year strategy that will support Government and communities to work effectively together to address the enormous health consequences of tobacco use in PEI, especially among youth," said Minister Dover.

Dedicated full time resources have been provided to the strategy by the Departments of Health and Education.

Education Minister Chester Gillan said tobacco reduction is a major priority for the school system. "We are proud of the leadership role taken by our school boards and staff particularly in the areas of policy and prevention. The Department is pleased to further support these efforts through our participation in the new Alliance," he said.

Community health organizations continue to be concerned about the effects of smoking.

"Tobacco use in PEI continues to be a very serious problem," states Vicki Bryanton of the PEI Lung Association. "Recent studies show that more than one in three Islanders smoke either daily or occasionally. This is significantly higher than the national average," she said.

"The health risks of smoking are well established," said Martha St. Pierre, Chair of the Health Promotion Programs Committee of the PEI Heart and Stroke Foundation. "It is the leading cause of preventable illness and premature death in Canada. Each year 45,000 Canadians die from using tobacco products. More people die from smoking than from vehicle collisions, suicide, AIDs and murder combined," said Ms. St. Pierre.

"Members of the Alliance share a common vision," states Holly Smith of the Canadian Cancer Society, PEI Division and co-chair of the Alliance. "Working together, each organization will take responsibility for and provide leadership to specific pieces of work," she said.

For example, the Federation of PEI Municipalities board will be working over the next year to encourage their members to establish municipal bylaws for smoke-free public places and workplaces.

Shirley Jay of the PEI Home and School Federation states that they are concerned about the health and well being of children and youth in this province. "With all members of the Alliance working together we can reduce tobacco use among our youth. It is our responsibility as parents to be positive examples for our children," she said.

For more information on the PEI Tobacco Reduction Alliance or the PEI Tobacco Reduction Strategy, contact Pat Charlton at 902-368-6133 or Holly Smith at 902-566-4007.

Media Contact: Pat Charlton