November 2, 1999 * Education [to Apr 2008]Hundreds of Grade 9 and 10 students across the province will leave the classroom and spend a day in an Island workplace with parents, relatives or volunteer hosts during national Take Our Kids to Work Day on Wednesday, November 3. "Take Our Kids to Work Day allows students to experience the working world that awaits them after graduation," said Minister of Education Chester Gillan. "It helps students make informed career decisions and to understand the important role education plays in achieving career goals." Minister Gillan says that Take Our Kids to Work Day is also a unique opportunity to build special connections between schools and communities. The four major objectives of Take Our Kids to Work Day include: to encourage students to stay in school; to help prepare students for the learning transition from the classroom to the work world, and to promote careers in science and technology. The program also illustrates the importance of an education and staying in school. Take Our Kids to Work is organized by the Learning Partnership and nationally sponsored by Human Resources Development Canada, Scotiabank Group, Hudson's Bay Company and The Document Company.Media Contact: Ellen Lawless