PEI Liquor Control Commission is extending lives one “paper heart” at a time

PEI Liquor Control Commission launches Second Annual Paper Hearts promotion in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation

The PEI Liquor Control Commission is pleased to partner with the Heart and Stroke Foundation to help Canadians live longer fuller lives. The Paper Hearts promotion will kick off on February 1 and continue through to February 28.

“We are thrilled to partner with the PEI Liquor Control Commission to help extend healthy lives. Statistics show that Islanders will face a decade or more of sickness, disability and immobility later in life caused by heart disease and stroke and other chronic conditions,” said Charlotte Comrie, Chief Executive Officer, PEI Heart and Stroke Foundation.

“The good news is that we have the power to change this grim reality starting now by addressing risk behaviours including poor diet, inactivity, stress and smoking. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is urging Canadians to Make Health Last. Visit to find out how.”

Paper hearts will be available for purchase at $2 apiece. The hearts will then be displayed in the store to showcase the support of the community.

“The PEILCC is pleased to be a part of this campaign again this year,” noted Hon. Robert Henderson, minister responsible for the PEI Liquor Control Commission. “The Commission looks forward to building on the success of last year’s campaign and appreciates the opportunity to encourage its customers to pursue a healthy lifestyle.”

“The Heart and Stroke Foundation is inspired to know that the PEI Liquor Control Commission shares our goal of building a healthier future, free of heart disease and stroke,” added Comrie. “The support of our corporate partners and the community play a critical role in our mission to help Islanders and all Canadians live longer, fuller lives.”

About The PEI Liquor Control Commission:

The Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission (PEILCC) is a crown corporation responsible for the administration of the PEI Liquor Control Act and Regulations, along with the purchase, control and sale of all beverage alcohol in the province.

About the Heart and Stroke Foundation:

The Heart and Stroke Foundation (, a volunteer-based health charity, leads in eliminating heart disease and stroke, reducing their impact through the advancement of research and its application, the promotion of healthy living and advocacy.

Healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke. Together we will make it happen.

Media Contact: James MacLeod