PEI Entrepreneurs Show Unprecedented Interest in Exporting

Prince Edward Island entrepreneurs are showing an unprecedented interest in export opportunities.

Trade Team PEI recently invited Island entrepreneurs to participate in an Introduction to Exporting seminar about export opportunities for small business. Participation and interest in the seminars was very high, as was the response to another special seminar, Information Technology Opportunities in New England, presented earlier this month in Charlottetown by Industry Canada in partnership with the Information Technologies Association of PEI.

"We were delighted with the turn out," said Charlotte Murray, Senior Trade Commissioner and Provincial Director of Industry Canada, PEI. "Clearly there is a strong interest on the part of many Island companies to explore global market potential as a means of increasing their business success."

The Introduction to Exporting seminar was designed for expanding businesses which have not yet exported, and for those with some export experience interested in ways to improve their marketing. It also provided a venue for mentoring and networking.

The seminar explored valuable and practical information about the benefits of exporting. Participants were directed in export readiness assessment and in the basics of how to prepare for foreign trade.

Karen Blotnicky, Professor of Marketing at Mt. St. Vincent University and president of the consulting firm, The Marketing Clinic, was keynote speaker. Ms. Blotnicky is also a business newspaper columnist.

Seminar participants also had the opportunity to hear Jim Sotvedt, Deputy Consul General with the Canadian Consulate in Boston, speak about exciting export opportunities into the dynamic New England market.

A panel discussion was a highlight of the seminar. Panelists - Prince Edward Island business owners - elaborated on challenges and successes of their exporting experience. Participants found discussion of specific examples following the panel to be one of the seminar's most helpful aspects.

"The mechanics of exporting certainly become clearer when they are placed in a 'real life' context," said Stephen Murray, Director of Trade and Export Development for Prince Edward Island Business Development. "Smaller companies need to hear, directly from their colleagues, that exporting is not necessarily a high risk activity, especially when it is well planned."

The seminar on Information Technology Opportunities in New England was developed by Industry Canada and the Information Technologies Association of PEI. It promoted awareness of opportunities beyond the border for those in the information technology industry. The role of the Canadian Consulate was also discussed.

Participants learned how to access those opportunities through available networks. The state-of-the-art video conferencing used for the seminar facilitated participation from all four Atlantic Provinces.

Both seminars presented an overview of the many resources available including information on federal and provincial departments and personnel who may be contacted to help.

Participant evaluations indicated overwhelming interest in future seminars of this type, and respondents said that they would recommend such seminars to other entrepreneurs.

In response to the current high level of interest in export, Trade Team PEI plans to host future export information sessions. Information gathered through the recent seminar evaluations will help the Trade Team structure coming sessions to address identified areas of interest to entrepreneurs.

Information about foreign markets for the Information Technology sector is available from Industry Canada. Please contact Butch Postma at (902) 566-7426 or by e-mail at

For more information on exporting opportunities for Prince Edward Island entrepreneurs, please call 1 (888) 811-1119.

Media Contact: Island Information Service