PEI Advisory Council 2001 EQUALITY Recognition Awards

The PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women presented their 8th Annual EQUALITY Recognition Awards on Thursday, March 8, 2001 at the Performance Hall of the Arts Guild in Charlottetown as part of International Women's Day (IWD) celebrations. The awards recognize individuals, organizations and employers who have demonstrated outstanding contributions towards promoting the equality of women in Prince Edward Island. For 2001, the Advisory Council introduces a new Special Recognition Award that will be presented annually on International Women's Day. This year the Advisory Council has chosen "inclusion" as the focus area for this award. Every year the focus area will change and reflect significant contributions made to women's equality issues.

2001 winners include:

Individual Recipient - Ellie Reddin

Beginning with a report she authored in 1987, Ellie was instrumental in creating the Island's first victim services program. She works to place the needs of victims, especially women, foremost in any discussion of family violence or sexual assault on PEI and on the national scene. She works closely with community groups and ensures their representation on provincial committees such as the Victim Services Advisory Committee and the Premier's Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention. As Provincial Manager of Victim Services, Ellie has earned the respect of the community and government equally and is committed to improving the system from within.

Organization or Group Recipient - Management Development Program for Women UPEI Department of Extension and Summer Sessions

This one-year certificate program enhances women's skills and increases their confidence as they assume management and leadership positions in today's workplaces. Since its beginning, 150 Island women have been part of the program at the University of Prince Edward Island. While focusing on the learning environment, the program develops abilities and opens doors for both personal and organizational growth. The MDPW's flexibility allows women to learn in real work settings while maintaining their current employment and family roles. Blending technology and group learning, the Management Development Program for Women prepares women to be transformative leaders in PEI's public and private sector.

Special Recognition - Inclusion Recipient - Kay Reynolds

Kay is a role model and leader in the disability community and has been instrumental in founding many of Prince Edward Island's disability organizations. For over 50 years, she has fought for changes in attitudes and practices. In recognition of her efforts, the Kay Reynolds Centre was named in her honour. Kay's dedication to removing barriers and promoting awareness is tireless and her spirit continues to inspire all who know her.

Lifetime Achievement Recipient - Anne T. Gillis, CND

For more than 20 years, Anne has worked with and for women to raise awareness on issues, particularly about violence and addictions and their effects on women's lives. Anne is committed to supporting those who are vulnerable and isolated from society. Her strong vocal, advocacy, and leadership skills have been cherished by women's groups for decades. She continually struggles for the rights, hopes and aspirations of individuals by challenging patriarchy's status quo. Anne has worked in both voluntary and paid service to Island women and their families, taking every opportunity to gently promote a new paradigm, a new vision, that fosters respect for all persons.

"There are women and men across this province working hard every day to improve the status of women in Prince Edward Island" said Advisory Council Chairperson Patricia Roy-Ballem. "We are here to honour and recognize theirachievements."

The Selection Committee for this year's awards was comprised of representatives from Women's Network PEI, l'Association des femmes acadiennes et francophones de l'Ile-du-Prince Edouard, East Prince Women's Information Centre (EPWIC), PEI People First, Women's Institute, the business community, and the PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women.

"It was very inspiring for the committee to review the packages and see first hand the amazing work that Islanders do in their private and public lives to advance the status of women" stated Roy-Ballem. "The individuals and groups involved in efforts that improve the quality of life for women, carry out their work with little fanfare, profile and need for acknowledgment. They see inequality and they setout to help, either as individuals or as groups.

International Women's Day is the focus of March 8th. It has been 24 years since the United Nations declared March 8th International Women's Day. It is our day to commemorate, celebrate and reflect on the achievements of women. The theme chosen by Status of Women Canada this year is "Canadian Women: Raising Our Diverse Voices for Positive Change!" This theme emphasizes opportunities where women have raised their voices, have been heard and have made a visible impact. It acknowledges the influence of Canadian women to effect positive changes for women in various aspects of life on the local, regional, national and /or international scenes - be it through paid or unpaid work - especially since the United Nations has declared 2001 the International Year of Volunteers.

Happy International Women's Day!

Contact: Heidi Rankin, 368-4510

Media Contact: Island Information Service