O’Leary, West Point and Knutsford benefit from Island Community Fund

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
A new provincial government investment of $255,000 is being used to modernize the O’Leary Legion, West Point Fire Hall, Knutsford Community Hall, Future West Tech facility and the O’Leary Community Sports Centre, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair.

“Modern and accessible community centers are important to rural areas in western Prince Edward Island,” said Mr. LeClair. “Investing in the expansion and renovation of the West Point Fire Hall is essential for the safety of the area it serves.”

The total cost of the five projects is $368,500. The Island Community Fund is contributing approximately $255,000. A further $7,500 will come from the Department of Health and Wellness, through the Community Recreation Support Program, with the community sponsors providing $106,400 overall.

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #2 O’Leary is in need of a modernization of the kitchen and other areas to better accommodate the growing use of the facility. The total cost of the renovations is $104,200. The Island Community Fund is contributing $78,100 to this project.

The West Point Volunteer Fire Department needs major renovation and more space. A new 40 x 50 foot addition will provide more room for equipment and the renovations will make the fire hall more energy efficient. The total cost of the project is $149,625. The Island Community Fund is contributing $112,200 to this project.

The O’Leary Community Sports Centre is in need of a new dehumidifier and fan system. This new equipment will improve the ice quality in the facility and enhance the energy efficiency in maintaining the ice surface. The total cost of the project is $62,000. The Island Community Fund is contributing $24,800 to the project. A further $7,500 will come from the Community Recreation Support Program through the Department of Health and Wellness.

The Knutsford Women’s Institute operates the Knutsford Community Hall. The popular local community center is in need of several upgrades. The total cost of this project is $10,990. The Island Community Fund is contributing $8,240 to the project.

The Future West Tech facility in O’Leary needs an updated elevator lift and wheelchair accessible door to meet the needs of its clients. The total cost of this project is $41,850. The Island Community Fund is contributing $31,300 to the project.

“Islanders in the O’Leary area will benefit from the commitments being made to modernize local community centers and upgrade infrastructure for the West Point Fire Hall,” said Minister LeClair.

The Island Community Fund is a six-year $27.5 million program established by the provincial government to address infrastructure needs with a focus on rural communities.

Media Contact: Alf Blanchard