Notice of Winter Weight Restrictions

* Transportation and Public Works [to Jan 2010]
The Department of Transportation and Public Works today advised the travelling public that winter weight restrictions will take effect on all Island highways effective at 12:01 a.m., Saturday, January 14, 2006.

Winter weight restrictions are being enacted as a result of warmer than usual weather for this time of year. As the temperature rises so does the potential for increased freezing and thawing cycles which make the road more vulnerable to damage from heavy commercial vehicles, such as pavement cracking and road breakup. The imposition of winter weight restrictions is a precautionary measure to limit that potential for road damage. “Given the warmer than usual weather for this time of year, it’s important to take these steps to protect our roads from damage if it can be avoided,” said Transportation and Public Works Minister Gail Shea. “The Department of Transportation and Public Works will continue to work with commercial vehicle operators to develop advance planning for travel routes, building upon the great cooperation we’ve received from operators over the last number of years.”

Shea thanked the travelling public for their continued cooperation.

Media Contact: Jeff Himelman