North Atlantic Organics bringing the shore to the farm

North Atlantic Organics Ltd. harvests local storm-tossed seaweed for an organic dietary mineral supplement for animal feed. The Company’s Atlantic-Gro products offer dairy farmers a high quality mineral supplement at a competitive price.

The Honourable Rob Moore, Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), and the Honourable Allen Roach, PEI Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning, today announced combined funding of $165,000 for North Atlantic Organics Ltd. to expand its operations in Tignish, Prince Edward Island. The funding will allow the company to expand its facility, purchase new equipment, and seek Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) certification for its products. It will also allow the company to focus on exploring the north-eastern United States as an export market.

Quick Facts:

• The Government of Canada is supporting this project with a repayable contribution of $155,000 through ACOA’s Business Development Program.

• The Government of Prince Edward Island will contribute $10,000 to the project through Innovation PEI’s Capital Acquisition Program.

• Seaweeds are marine macro algae. They have been used as an animal feed supplement and soil conditioner for centuries.

• North Atlantic Organics Ltd. harvests kelp, rockweed, foofoo, and irish moss as feed supplements, primarily for dairy cattle.


“Our Government is pleased to help enterprises like North Atlantic Organics Ltd., innovate and create solutions that support our region’s primary sectors. Projects like this one help small and medium-sized businesses to expand, which strengthens our economy and helps to achieve long-term prosperity.”

- The Honourable Rob Moore, Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)

“The partners in North Atlantic Organics are showing great entrepreneurial initiative by developing products from the underused seaweed resource and using them to support our traditional agriculture industry. Government is pleased to support this kind of creative business in Western Prince Edward Island.”

- The Honouable Allen Roach, PEI Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning

“We are very grateful for the funding provided to us from both levels of government. This will allow us to expand our operation here in Prince Edward Island and look to exporting our product into other markets. We are proud to provide dairy farmers with a cost effective solution for a dietary supplement needed in their animal’s feed.”

- Mr. Joe Dorgan, Co-Owner, North Atlantic Organics Ltd.

Associated Links:

• North Atlantic Organics

Media Contact: Ron Ryder