The Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development is inviting nominations for the annual Shellfish Recognition Awards, says Minister Neil LeClair. The awards are presented to recognize success and leadership in the shellfish industry.
“Prince Edward Island produces some of the best shellfish products in the world, and this award recognizes and celebrates the contributions of those who have helped to bring that about,” said Mr. LeClair. “The awards highlight the many positive achievements of everyone involved in the shellfish industry.”
The awards will be presented during the Prince Edward Island International Shellfish Festival in September.
Nominees must be senior members of the industry with a long-term involvement in the culture, harvesting, processing or marketing of shellfish. Nominees can be active, semi-active or recently retired from the industry. Nominations will be accepted from organizations representing the shellfish industry, fishers, aquaculturalists, processors or the general public.
The awards have been presented annually since 2000 and have provided recognition to 23 pioneers and senior members who have helped develop the Prince Edward Island shellfish industry.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, September 3. Nomination forms are available from the department at or by contacting Kelly Cantelo at 838-0910 or 1-877-407-0187.