The location for the new waste management site to service Kings and Queens Counties was announced today by Mitch Murphy, Minister of Technology and Environment. The site will be a key part of the waste management infrastructure required for full implementation of Waste Watch across the Island.
"A 320-acre area in Tracadie Cross has been selected. A full Environmental Impact Assessment, which includes public consultation, must be conducted on the site," Minister Murphy stated.
Approximately 114,000 tonnes of refuse are generated annually in Prince Edward Island. Once Waste Watch is implemented province-wide, it is estimated that only 7,000 tonnes of waste and 9,000 tonnes of ash from Trigen-P.E.I. will be buried in the Province. This figure is based on two factors, with the major one being the achievement of a 65.5% diversion of waste from landfill through source separation. The East Prince area has had the Waste Watch source separation system of waste management in place for four years and consistently achieves this high level of waste diversion. This is accomplished by the extraction of compostable items and recyclables through Waste Watch as well as tires, white goods (fridges, stoves etc.), and household hazardous waste through other programs. The Province also has an ongoing contract with Trigen-P.E.I. to annually supply 30,617 tonnes of waste for fuel to the Energy From Waste Plant, further reducing the amount of waste going for disposal.
Twenty locations in eastern Prince Edward Island were evaluated for suitability for a new waste management site. Studies of the areas were done by consultants under the guidance of the Island Waste Management Commission's Site Selection Committee.
The Tracadie Cross site was selected based on environmental suitability, availability of the land as well as economic factors. The site is located at the back of a block of land, approximately two kilometres north of Highway 2 (St. Peters Highway). The active site area will occupy approximately 50 acres of the total 320 acre site.
"The location is large enough to accommodate the waste management site and also provide a buffer zone," stated the Minister. "The active site area will be located almost two kilometres from the nearest dwelling." The buffer zone area has some interesting woodland and bog, and the intent is to protect the natural features in this area under the Natural Areas Protection Act. The site encompasses two available Crown properties and privately-owned property on which an option to purchase has been secured.
The Tracadie Cross location, the East Prince Waste Management Facility at Wellington Center, and the Energy From Waste Plant that is operated by Trigen-P.E.I. will handle the bulk of household and commercial waste generated on Prince Edward Island.