A new resource has been developed by Child Protection Services to help preserve and promote the Aboriginal cultural identity of children and families receiving services, says Minister of Family and Human Services Doug Currie.
“This new resource is a great example of working together to increase awareness and knowledge of Mi’Kmaq culture and traditions,” said Minister Currie. "When intervening with Aboriginal families, Child Protection Services recognizes the unique importance of preserving and promoting the Aboriginal cultural identity of children and families."
The new resource, called Aboriginal Cultural Connections: A Child Protection Resource Guide, was developed in partnership with Prince Edward Island’s First Nation leaders, Elders and community representatives. It serves as an opportunity to promote understanding and knowledge of the rich Aboriginal culture on Prince Edward Island when providing Child Protection Services, either in-home or out-of-home, to Aboriginal children and their parents.
“This is intended as a resource guide for those who work in Child Protection Services. It does not, and cannot, include all aspects of Aboriginal culture,” said Marilyn LeFrank, Director of the Child and Family Services Program at the Mi'kmaq Confederacy of PEI. “It is important to keep in mind that culture is personal and not everyone follows all of the traditions in the resource guide. There is as much variation in beliefs and values regarding culture and traditions as there is variation in people. This guide is a great starting point toward understanding and nurturing Aboriginal cultural respect when dealing with child protection issues.”
The resource guide is intended to be a starting point for engagement and continued learning. The guide is available at www.gov.pe.ca/sss/aboriginalguide.