New Provincial Soil Conservation Program

* Agriculture and Forestry [to Oct 2003]
Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill and Fisheries and Environment Minister Kevin MacAdam have announced a new Provincial Soil Conservation Program jointly funded by their departments. The program will provide technical and financial assistance to landowners working to conserve soil on agricultural land. "This program will assist Island farmers in adopting soil conservation practices that improve agricultural production while contributing to the protection of wetlands and watercourses" noted Mr. Hammill.

The program is part of an ongoing effort to reduce soil erosion damage to wildlife habitat in wetlands and streams under the sponsorship or the Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV) of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. The EHJV is a partnership of the six Eastern Provinces, Environment Canada, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Wildlife Habitat Canada, and U.S. Federal and State Governments. "The Soil Conservation Program is an excellent example of how agencies can work together to improve wildlife habitat while working towards sustainable agriculture" said Mr. MacAdam.

A total of $70,000. is available as an incentive to landowners to construct erosion control structures and convert cultivation practices to strip cropping. The Soil Conservation Program will provide assistance up to 25% of the cost of erosion control structures (terraces, grassed waterways and surface inlets) and $20./acre incentive to convert fields to strip cropping. Maximum assistance per farm unit is $7500. for these activities. Incentives are also available to establish shelterbelts and hedgerows at a rate of $0.40/tree to a maximum of $1500./farm.

The Soil Conservation Program will be administered by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry with advisory support from Department of Fisheries and Environment. Interested landowners are encouraged to contact Ron DeHaan at 368-5642 or to write to the PEI Department of Agriculture and Forestry at P.O. Box 1600, Charlottetown, C1A 7N3.

For more information, contact: Art Smith, Director, Fish & Wildlife Division, Fisheries and Environment - (902) 368-6083; or Dr. Wendell Grasse, Director, Agriculture Division, Agriculture and Forestry - (902) 368-5670.

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