New Internet Shop Assists With Business on PEI

* Economic Development [to Jul 1998]
In an effort to aid Island businesses in finding answers to simple, everyday questions about government, Prince Edward Island has added a new section to its popular Internet Information Centre.

The new "How do I?" section has been designed to answer questions in simple, easy to understand language and is organized into general sections like "Taxes" and "Education and Training", rather than by government department. Internet users will find answers to questions like "How do I register a business?" and "How do I hire an apprentice?"

"The project is a cooperative effort between all government departments and also includes a section on the Canada/PEI Business Service Centre," said Robert Morrissey, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism. "In addition to assisting Island entrepreneurs, this new service will make it easier for businesses off-Island to get information on how to re-locate or expand their business to the province."

The new "How do I?" feature is one of many elements of the Prince Edward Island Information Centre on the Internet at address

Media Contact: Ann Stanley