David Thompson, President of the P.E.I Grain Elevators Corporation is pleased to announce that Neil Campbell has been appointed to the position of general manager effective April 1, 2012. Michael Delaney, the former manager has retired after serving in a managerial capacity since June 2001.
“On behalf of the Board of Directors of the P.E.I. Grain Elevators Corporation, I am pleased that Neil will assume this important position in addition to carrying out his former responsibilities in sales and marketing,” Mr. Thompson said.
The P.E.I. Grain Elevator Corporation is one of the largest grain elevator facilities east of Montreal, handling close to 50,000 metric tonnes annually of cereal and oilseed crops. With a staff of 20 seasonal and part time staff, the crown corporation has provided Prince Edward Island growers with flexible pricing and farm service options.
“Neil has over 25 years of experience in the commercial cereal and oilseed industry, and is a huge asset to our operation,” Mr. Thompson said.