New East Prince Health Facility Role To Include Acute Care And Wellness

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
A study released today to define the role of the new East Prince Health facility suggests that the facility continue its role as a secondary referral centre with increased emphasis on wellness programming.

Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover advised that the definition of the broad role of the facility marks the completion of an important first step in the planning process.

"The broad role of the new facility will be to continue to provide the high standard of care and service provided by the Prince County Hospital, and expand its emphasis on wellness," said the minister. "The detailed level and scope of services will be defined as we move through the next phase, the Master Plan and Functional Program phase to determine program design, space requirements and cost," she said.

The study, conducted by William Nycum and Associates, recommends the role of the facility in four areas: acute care, wellness, integration of services, and information technology.

It suggests the new facility continue its role as a regional acute care facility by delivering secondary programs and services. These services include general surgery, Ears/Nose/Throat, restorative care, obstetrics/gynecology, ambulatory care, psychiatry, day surgery, medicine, pediatrics, emergency, intensive care, and addictions.

In the area of wellness, the study recommends the new facility take a strategic leadership role by establishing wellness programs for persons with asthma, employees, women and children, seniors, and youth, and that a leader be appointed to plan and implement wellness initiatives.

The study suggests that East Prince Health continue to enhance integration of services in areas such as Home Care, Public Health Nursing and Children's Services. It recommends the new facility use new technology wherever possible to support the continued development of an integrated health delivery system.

Katherine Kelly, East Prince Health Board Chair, said the role study reaffirms the strategic direction already in place in the region.

"The recommendations of the role study confirm our direction to continue the high standard of patient care presently offered, and also to increase our emphasis on wellness," said Ms. Kelly.

The role study was a collaborative effort of the Department of Health and Social Services, East Prince Health, and community stakeholders. It was facilitated by William Nycum and Associates and Johnson Group Management Consultants.

The more than 300 study participants included staff of East Prince Health and other health regions, the Department of Health and Social Services, referral centres off Island, physicians, and community stakeholders.

The study suggests that between now and the year 2015 and beyond, East Prince Health will serve a larger population of seniors. Clients will have greater expectations of the health system, and it will be challenged to provide more and different types of services. It recommends then, that the Region explore and identify new ways and means of providing cost-effective and efficient care.

The next phase in the planning process, the Master Plan and Functional Program Phase, will include examination of current and new ways to deliver health services in future, while considering the roles of technology and computerization. The Master Plan will define where services will be located, square footage requirements and a preliminary cost estimate.

For more information contact: Rod Stanley, East Prince Health at (902) 888-8026 or Herman McQuaid, Health & Social Services at (902) 368-6158

Media Contact: Island Information Service