March 6, 2013 * Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal [to May 2015]Islanders are being asked to pledge to leave their phones alone while driving, says Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Robert Vessey. “It only takes a split second looking away from the road for a collision to occur,” said the minister. “Using a cell phone while driving is against the law. Encouraging drivers to take a 60-day pledge will help them develop life-long habits that will extend well beyond the campaign.” The campaign is being jointly presented by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal and the Hot 105.5 FM. Islanders can sign up to commit to leaving their phone alone while driving at Drivers caught using a hand-held device face penalties of up to $400 and three demerit points. “Research has shown that driving while using hand-held communication devices puts everyone at a higher risk of motor vehicle collisions,” said the minister. “Safety is a top priority for this department and this campaign is a great way to raise awareness on the dangers of distracted driving.”Media Contact: Mary Moszynski