A 10-bed transition unit within the provincial addictions facility will open on April 28 as part of Government’s action plan to enhance addictions services for Islanders, says Minister of Health and Wellness, Doug Currie.
“These beds will be available for clients who have completed inpatient withdrawal management but require additional support before returning to their communities,” said the minister. “Our Government is committed to ensuring that Islanders struggling with addictions have access to the care they need for a successful recovery.“
Clients will be admitted directly to the transition unit from inpatient withdrawal (also known as detox) for a four-week program focused on rehabilitation and relapse prevention. Previously, clients had to wait for inpatient rehabilitation because the programs operated four times a year, which led to low bed utilization and a high drop-out rate.
“The transition unit will improve wait times and provide more comprehensive programming and individualized approach to care,” said Health PEI’s executive director of acute care and mental health and addictions, Pam Trainor. “For clients, this means better access and continuity of care and enhanced support for a successful recovery.”
Programming includes group therapy and individual counselling. Clients will also participate in leisure therapy to improve well-being and quality of life through engagement in recreation and leisure activities. They will facilitate leader-led groups to enhance skills and strengthen self-esteem.
The transition unit will be staffed by a social worker, addictions counsellor and addiction workers.
“The new patient navigator position, which was filled recently, will also work in this unit to assist in linking clients to community services needed after they leave the unit to support their recovery,” said the minister.
The transition unit should also improve access to detox beds by reducing the incidence of relapse.