Ministers Ready to Act on Recommendations

The provincial government will be taking immediate action to implement the recommendations of the report of the Action Committee on Agricultural Runoff Control before the next growing season. The Action Committee presented its report to the provincial Cabinet on Tuesday of this week, and it was released to the public today.

Technology and Environment Minister Mitch Murphy said that the implementation of the recommendations is a priority for both industry and government. "It is essential that we begin to take steps now to reduce the impact of agricultural practices on the environment and to prevent any further risks to aquatic life," he said. "We need to demonstrate more solidly our commitment to soil conservation and the protection of our water resources, and effective measures must be in place before the next growing season."

Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill said the Department of Agriculture and Forestry is taking action on the recommendations, including support for the implementation of Environmental Farm Plans, the adoption of a code of practice for potato producers, increased extension efforts and funding for the Agriculture and Environmental Resources Conservation program.

Mr. Hammill said he understands that the implementation of the recommendations by potato producers will require time, effort and money, but that will result in both short and long-term benefits for the industry. "Farmers want to become better stewards of their resources, and the report provides clear directions on the steps which can and must be taken to adopt more sustainable production practices," he said. "This is an action-oriented report and the provincial government will work closely with industry and environmental groups to implement the recommendations."

The ministers said that it is generally recognized that more must be done to prevent soil erosion and to reduce the risk to aquatic life. They expressed their appreciation for the work of the members of the Action Committee in coming to grips with the issues and developing a comprehensive approach to solutions which can be addressed in the short-term.

"Now that the Action Committee has concluded its work, our major task is to ensure that we continue the momentum to develop practical and workable solutions," said Mr. Hammill.

The ministers said the Pesticides Advisory Committee and the Environmental Advisory Council will be asked to monitor implementation of the recommendations and to report progress. The committees report respectively to the ministers of agriculture and of environment.

Media Contact: Lee Bartley