Minister's Labour Day Message

As Minister Responsible for Labour, I am pleased to extend Labour Day greetings to all working people in our province.

"Labour Day" was designated by the Parliament of Canada in 1894 to recognize the social and economic achievements of Canadian workers. In Prince Edward Island, we can be proud of the significant contribution that our work force has made to the prosperity and well being of Islanders; particularly with the construction of the Confederation Bridge.

Working people, business and government share a common interest in ensuring Prince Edward Island has a strong economy; one that guarantees opportunity for our children. While it has not always been easy; labour and management have been successful at working out their differences. Government has a commitment to enhance fairness for Island workers. In achieving this commitment, on Labour Day the minimum wage will increase from $5.15 to $5.40.

I want to reaffirm our government's commitment to cooperative labour management relations and ensuring basic fairness in the workplace. As Minister, I encourage all Islanders to take a few moments and reflect upon the importance of the dignity of work and the accomplishments of working people.

Have a safe and enjoyable Labour Day.

Media Contact: Island Information Service