Minister's Council Seeks Public Input

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment [to Oct 2003]
A subcommittee of the Environmental Advisory Council is seeking input from the public on measures to manage coyotes in Prince Edward Island.

The subcommittee will host a public meeting Monday, August 27, beginning at 7 pm at the Dutch Inn in Cornwall.

During the spring session of the PEI Legislature, a resolution was passed in support of a bounty on coyotes and other measures to control the population.

Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan asked a subcommittee of the Environmental Advisory Council to take on the task of examining various options for coyote management.

"The subcommittee is meeting with a broad range of groups with an interest in this issue and will report back to me by early fall with recommendations on how best to act on the coyote resolution," said Minister Gillan.

The subcommittee is chaired by Kevin MacAdam of Morell, a school teacher at Rollo Bay Consolidated School. Other members are Emmerson McMillan of Ascension and Dr. Pierre-Yves Daoust of the Atlantic Veterinary College.

Mr. MacAdam said the subcommittee has been meeting with groups representing sheep and other livestock producers, as well as hunters, trappers, and naturalists.

"We also want to hear from the general public to ensure we get a well-rounded view of the situation. That's why we felt it was important to hold a public meeting," he explained. "This provides the opportunity for anyone who either supports or opposes any management technique, including a bounty, to talk to us about the issue."

People attending the public meeting may make a formal presentation or join in general discussion on coyote management. Individuals may also send written comments to the attention of Diane Griffin, Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment, 11 Kent Street, PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7N8.

For further information on the public meeting, contact Diane Griffin at (902) 368-5205.

Media Contact: Diane Griffin