March 29, 2012 Finance Minister Wes Sheridan reacted this evening to the federal budget. "While I recognize the fiscal difficulties faced by the federal government," he said, "I saw little in this budget that resonated with the Island's current needs. Like every province, Prince Edward Island is working hard to cope with increased demands in areas like health care, social services and the need to grow our economy. There appeared to be little in the federal budget that responds to these legitimate Island concerns.""It has to be recognized that the Island's capacity to deliver these essential public services, which all Canadians expect, remains extremely difficult in the wake of a global economic downturn," Minister Sheridan said. "The budget has provided very little relief relative to these concerns. All this said, I do await further details on specific budgetary measures - which I assume will be outlined by the regional minister, and others, in the days and weeks ahead."Media Contact: Jennifer MacDonald-Donovan