Minister Releases Preliminary Lobster Landings

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment [to Oct 2003]
Preliminary statistics on the spring lobster season show a considerable increase in landings over last year.

Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan today released preliminary landing figures compiled by his department for the spring fishery in Areas 24 and 26A.

"Total landings from the two areas reached 17 million pounds. That's an increase of 1.1 million pounds or seven per cent over the 2001 spring season, which was itself a banner year," said Minister Gillan. "I am particularly pleased that Island fishers in both fishing areas experienced an increase in landings this year.

The Minister reported landings in Area 24, along the North Shore of PEI, totalled 11.9 million pounds, up approximately 1.5 per cent over the 2001 landings of 11.7 million pounds. In Area 26A, in the Southeastern Northumberland Strait, catches increased by 22 per cent to almost 5.1 million pounds, compared to 4.2 million pounds in 2001.

Minister Gillan said the success of the spring lobster fishery is good news for all Islanders.

"The lobster industry is not only a key component of the PEI fishery, but a key element of the economy of Prince Edward Island, particularly in rural areas," he said. "Over 5,000 Islanders earn a substantial portion of their annual income from the lobster fishery and the value of landings alone reached $100 million in 2001."

As part of the PEI Lobster Strategy, Minister Gillan said the province continues to take an active role in lobster research activities to ensure the future viability of the industry.

"Research is essential to better understand the lobster resource and the factors that impact on the health of lobster stocks. I commend Island fishers for their cooperation in research activities and I look forward to continuing to work with the industry, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Lobster Science Centre at the Atlantic Veterinary College to enhance our understanding of this valuable resource."

Preliminary figures for the 2002 spring lobster landings are based on information provided to the Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment by licensed lobster buyers throughout Prince Edward Island.

Media Contact: Chester Gillan