Minister of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Environment Chester Gillan today released preliminary landing figures for the spring lobster season in Area 24 and 26A.
Minister Gillan said the figures, which were compiled by his department, indicate that landings this spring from both areas totalled 15.9 million pounds, an increase of half a million pounds or approximately three per cent over 2000.
The minister reported landings in Area 24, along the North Shore of PEI, totalled 11.7 million pounds, up six per cent over landings in 2000, while Area 26A, in the Southeastern Northumberland Strait, experienced a decrease of five per cent with landings of 4.2 million pounds, down from 4.4 million pounds in 2000.
"I am pleased to see the lobster landings remain strong overall," said Minister Gillan. "While landings in Area 26A were down this year, I would note that they are on par with the average of the landings in that area for the past five years. Meanwhile, the landings of 11.7 million pounds on the north side is an increase of approximately eight per cent over the average of the five previous years in that fishing area."
Minister Gillan noted the lobster fishery is the single most important component of the Island fishing industry with the landed value in 2000 approximately $86 million.
"We recognize the contribution the lobster industry makes to our Island economy, particularly in our rural communities, and we will continue to work closely with the industry and the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans to enhance the lobster fishery," he added.