Minister Pleased With National Forestry Discussions

* Agriculture and Forestry [to Oct 2003]
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Hon. Eric Hammill, is meeting this week with a large segment of Canada's forest community at the National Forest Congress in Ottawa. The National Forest Congress brings together representatives from industry and government, education and research institutes, as well as environmental conservation and nonprofit organizations, to discuss the issues facing the nations private and public forest resources.

The Minister was in Ottawa to discuss a new National Forest Strategy with his counterparts from across the country. While he was there, the Minister took the opportunity to participate in a special forum on private land forest issues and opportunities.

"Private land forests are often lost in the agenda of Canada's forest community but the National Forest Congress saw fit to view them as a national priority for discussion," said Mr. Hammill. "Private woodlots are the backbone of Prince Edward Island's forest resource, and have been the subject of much deliberation over the past few years. My discussions with other stakeholders from the Maritimes, and across the country, show that we share similar problems, and that everyone must work together to find practical and effective strategies that deal with real issues."

Mr. Hammill further noted that creating and maintaining an effective voice for all stakeholders ranked high on the list of delegate priorities along with how to ensure the sustainability of the private land resource. "Based on our talks, I firmly believe that Prince Edward Island is on the right track," he said. "Initiatives such as the Forest Partnership Council demonstrate how to involve those most affected in the decision making process. With the backing and support of our partners on the Council, I am sure that we will be able to address our problems in a realistic and effective manner."

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon