Minister MacKinley Pleased that Federal Funding has been Confirmed for the Northumberland Ferries Service

* Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal [to May 2015]
The extension of federal funding for the Northumberland Ferries service between Wood Islands and Caribou is welcome news for Prince Edward Island, says Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Ron MacKinley.

“By providing an additional year of funding and restoring service levels from eight to nine round trips a day during peak season, the federal government is showing its support for the ferry service. Hopefully this will mean stable, long term funding in the future,” said Mr. MacKinley.

A five-year agreement between Ottawa and Northumberland Ferries ended in March 2010.

Last year the federal government began an operational review of the service. It will wrap up in March 2011. It is expected that when the review is complete, Ottawa will announce firm details on the future of the service.

The federal government will provide at least $6 million in subsidies this year for the service, which contributes millions of dollars back to the Island economy.

In a letter to Federal Transport Minister John Baird last fall, Mr. MacKinley stressed the importance of the service to the Prince Edward Island economy.

“The Wood Islands Caribou ferry service is an essential link for freight carriers, agricultural exporters, tourist operators and individual Islanders,” said Mr. MacKinley. “I am pleased that Minister Baird provided the funding to allow service levels to be restored for another year. I am confident that the operational review of the service will show that the ferry service is vital to the Island economy, and this will lead to stable and predictable funding for years to come.”

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague