Minister MacKinley Encourages Safe Driving Practices as School Resumes

* Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal [to May 2015]
With the start of a new school year next week, Islanders are asked to drive safely on Island roads near schools and on bus routes says Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Ron MacKinley.

“With children returning to school, it is important that all drivers are aware of school traffic and are familiar with the rules of the road,” said Minister MacKinley. “Drivers should be prepared for increased traffic and schedule their travels accordingly.”

Motorists are reminded to slow down in school zones and to not pass school buses when their red lights are flashing. Speeding fines are doubled in school zones and motorists failing to stop for a school bus will lose 8 demerit points and be fined a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $5,000.

The Department’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers will patrol bus routes on high speed roads to help calm traffic during mornings and afternoons. Those officers will also be on the lookout for drivers who break the rules and they will lay charges under the Highway Traffic Act.

“Safe driving practices benefit all Islanders,” said Minister MacKinley. “I encourage all motorists to drive with increased care as a new school year begins.”

Children are also reminded about following safe practices as they wait for, and prepare to get on, school buses. They should always look both ways before crossing the road. They should also wait on the side of the road until the bus comes to a full stop, the red lights begin flashing and the bus’s safety arm is fully extended.

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague