March 14, 2011 * Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]National Farm Safety Week is a good time to take stock of potential hazards on the farm, says Agriculture Minister George Webster.“In declaring the week of March 13 to 19 as National Farm Safety Week in Prince Edward Island, I want to encourage all farm operators to take steps to evaluate conditions on their farms which could lead to accidents,” said Mr. Webster. “This week is a timely reminder of the importance of following safe farming practices throughout every season of the year.”Across Canada, the National Farm Safety Week campaign is delivered by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association in partnership with Farm Credit Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In Prince Edward Island, producers can learn more about farm safety through programs offered by the Prince Edward Island Federation of Agriculture. The farm safety program is provided with financial support from the Department of Agriculture. “Farms are unique in that they are both home and workplace,” said Mr. Webster. “By taking steps to reduce hazards, farms will be better places in which to live and work.”Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon